On behalf of all the Lexington Polo Club members, we would like to welcome you to the club. We hope you enjoy the upcoming year and many years to come. Please feel free to invite your friends to the club as a guest. And once they love it, please encourage them to request a membership application to join.
New Members
As a new member, you will want to receive news and connect with other members.
Please email the following information to lpcmemb@gmail.com to be added to the distribution list:
• First & Last Names
• Email and Address
• Home & Cell Phone Numbers
• Children's Names & Ages
Also, join our members only Facebook group
Summer Fun!
There will be a variety of events during the summer: Food Trucks, Smores, Ice Cream Socials, and Foam Parties are a few of the things to come. As a member you are required to co-host a social event. It is a good way to meet new members and further enjoy your LPC family!
Fall & Winter Events
Even after the pool closes, there are events held at the club for members to enjoy: Kids fall event, Motors and Mimosas, Adult Halloween Party, Tailgate and Chili Cookoff, Cornhole Tournament, Santa Brunch and New Year's Eve Casino Night.
Members are welcome to invite up to 4 guests or friends to swim, play tennis/pickleball or club events. Guests must sign a waiver upon entering the pool or courts.
This is a great way to entertain and introduce new people to the club, but please use discretion on the number of times a particular guest is asked to join you and your family at the club.
If your guest wants to return multiple times, they should consider becoming a member. The primary use of the facilities is for members so use your best judgment on the frequency of non-member visits.
Former members separated by the board for specific reasons are not permitted as guests.
Pool Open in 2024:
May 24 -Oct 6